
Managing client information.

POST client

Add a new client to Fiscaal Gemak.

POST api/clients

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client'.

POST client/{id}/relations

Add a new relation to a client.

POST client/{id}/partnerrelations

Add a new relation to a client with a partner.

PUT client/{id}/partnerrelationsupdate

Add a new relation to a client with a partner.

DELETE client/{id}?partnerId={partnerId}

Delete a relation with a partner from Fiscaal Gemak.

POST api/clients/{id}/relations

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}/relations'.

DELETE client/{id}

Delete a client from Fiscaal Gemak.

DELETE api/clients/{id}

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}'.

DELETE client/{id}/relations/{relationClientId}

Delete a relation from a client.

DELETE api/clients/{id}/relations/{relationClientId}

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}/relations/{relationClientId}'.

GET client/{id}

Get a client from Fiscaal Gemak.

GET client/{id}/declarations?declarationType={declarationType}&periodStart={periodStart}&periodEnd={periodEnd}

Get declaration(s) from Fiscaal Gemak by client.

GET client/{id}/externaldeclarations?periodStart={periodStart}&periodEnd={periodEnd}

Get external declaration(s) from Fiscaal Gemak by client.

GET client?bsn={bsn}&rsin={rsin}&coc={coc}&offset={offset}&amount={amount}&modificationDateFrom={modificationDateFrom}&modificationDateTo={modificationDateTo}

Get a client from Fiscaal Gemak by bsn, rsin, coc or get all clients.

GET api/clients?bsn={bsn}&rsin={rsin}&coc={coc}&offset={offset}&amount={amount}

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client?bsn={bsn}&rsin={rsin}'.

GET api/clients/{id}

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}'.

GET client/{id}/relations

Get the relations of a client.

GET api/clients/{id}/relations

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}/relations'.

PUT client/{id}

Update an existing client in Fiscaal Gemak.

PUT api/clients/{id}

Attention! This route is deprecated, use '/client/{id}'.

GET client/deferral?year={year}&mustHaveDeferral={mustHaveDeferral}&mustHaveClientRelation={mustHaveClientRelation}

This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information. This endpoint will return the deferral status (Dutch: “Uitstel”) for the requested year. For this request the year is mandatory. Optionally you can limit the returns to the customers with the service 'Uitstel' marked and / or the clients that have an active relation to your organization. This is based on either a populated end-date in the future or blank end-date.


Managing external declaration information.

POST external-declaration/{id}/document

Add a document to an existing external declaration in Fiscaal Gemak.

POST external-declaration

Add a new external declaration to Fiscaal Gemak.

GET external-declaration/{id}/documents

Get document(s) of an external declaration from Fiscaal Gemak.

GET external-declaration/{id}

Get a external declaration from Fiscaal Gemak.


Managing client contact person relationship information.

POST client-contactperson

Add a new client contact person relationship.

DELETE client-contactperson/{clientId}/{contactPersonId}

Delete the relationship between a client and a contact person.

PUT client-contactperson

Update an existing relationship between a client and a contact person.

GET client-contactperson/{clientId}

Get a collection of client contact persons.


GET assessment/current/itemstates/{id}

This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information.

This returns all the items for the given ID. The JSON output will represent all the data in the assessment.

For this purpose, only these declarationTypes are supported:

  • 8 (AssessmentIncomeTax).
  • 21 (AssessmentValueAddedTax).
  • 22 (AssessmentCorporateTax).


Managing financial numbers information.

POST financial-numbers-document

Add a new financial numbers document to Fiscaal Gemak.


Managing declaration information.

GET declaration-data/current/itemstates/{id}

This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information.

This returns all the items for the given ID. The JSON output will represent all questions answered/applicable in the declaration down to specification level.

GET declaration-data/current/steplist?declarationType={declarationType}&year={year}

This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information.

The steplist represents the structure within the application following the pages/chapters the user sees front-end. When you retrieve the steplist, you get all the possible questions for that specific declaration type. You can see this as the main framework to which all data is managed. Due to the size, this json file will be presented in zip-format. These specifications don't change on a regular basis and downloading once every 3-4 months will be sufficient.

Combined with a year and type parameter it will present you the declaration model in JSON format. This model contains all possible specifications for the requested tax type. For this purpose, only these declarationTypes are supported:

  • 4 (IncomeTax).
  • 6 (ValueAddedTax).
  • 8 (AssessmentIncomeTax).
  • 15 (CorporateTax).
  • 21 (AssessmentValueAddedTax).
  • 22 (AssessmentCorporateTax).


Managing declaration information.

POST declaration

Add a new declaration to Fiscaal Gemak.

GET declaration/{id}

Get a declaration from Fiscaal Gemak.

GET declaration/{id}/trial-balance

No documentation available.

GET declaration/updates?declarationType={declarationType}&year={year}

This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information.

This returns a list of all declarations for the requested type and year. The output is a JSON-file of the requested type / year showing the unique ID’s of the customer and declaration together with (when available/applicable) current state of the declaration, last modified date and start/end-date of the fiscal period. If the last modifieddate is blank or hasn't changed since previous request, you can skip the declaration since there won't be any changes to the content.

For this purpose, only these declarationTypes are supported:

  • 4 (IncomeTax).
  • 6 (ValueAddedTax).
  • 15 (CorporateTax).

GET declaration/current/deliveries

Gets the declaration delivery information. This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information. This endpoint will return your combined workflow data over the last 30 days. Optionally you can provide a periodStart and periodEnd to retrieve a specific period. Maximum date-range for this is three months.

GET declaration/current/workflows

Gets the declaration workflow. This feature is not available in all subscriptions. Contact your accountmanager for more information. This endpoint will return your combined workflow data over the last 30 days. Optionally you can provide a periodStart and periodEnd to retrieve a specific period. Maximum date-range for this is three months.


Managing contact person information.

POST contactperson

Add a new contact person to Fiscaal Gemak.

DELETE contactperson/{id}

Delete a contact person from Fiscaal Gemak.

PUT contactperson/{id}

Update an existing contact person in Fiscaal Gemak.

GET contactperson/{clientId}

Get a collection of client contact persons.